Actions Follow Beliefs Follow Actions

a drop of water falling into a pool creating concentric circles

This past weekend, I sang at two Confirmation services. As is custom at many of these gatherings, the Bishop was present and delivered the homily. After confirmation, many Catholics become Easter/Christmas Catholics and you don’t see them anymore. The Bishop saw his charge to avoid this problem. He then said your beliefs determine your actions … Read more

Ask Michelle

Michelle smiling wearing glasses and scarf

M wrote back with an important follow-up set of questions for what to do with a PhD (and JD). He writes “Since finding jobs in higher education is becoming more scarce, what careers can I pursue with a PhD, or at least a master’s degree? Some of the disciplines I’m considering going to grad school include, … Read more

My Sleep Campaign

black and white cat yawning

In the new year, I have committed to increasing the amount of sleep I get every night. I had far too many nights of 4/5 hours of sleep. These sleep patterns were often punctuated with insomnia. Things have turned around, I’m glad to say, although they’re not perfect yet. I regularly get between 6 and … Read more

Ask Michelle

Michelle smiling wearing glasses and scarf

So today on Twitter, E. asked me the following: “I am currently blocked for my scholarship essays. Do you have any suggestions?” We get blocked for all kinds of writing. No matter how long we have been writing. For seemingly all sorts of reasons. So yes, I do have suggestions for moving past this. The first … Read more

Ask Michelle

Michelle smiling wearing glasses and scarf

I have fallen on my face because I didn’t answer this email, but then I thought this  could be a good one for everyone to see and weigh in on . . . when and if you’re ready. So here’s the question: M asked me “what is the future of higher education teaching? I have … Read more

Getting Back in the Saddle

open calendar planner and a pen

What a month it has been for me. Actually, make that two months. I spent the first half of February making sure that everything was in place for my vocal recital (you will have to email me for a clip if you’re interested . . . ), and then we moved. For the first time … Read more

When it’s Time to Rest

sleepy blinking cat

I have a confession. Although I recommend slowing down and taking time off, I have a really hard time doing it. I guess you teach what you need to learn. However, the last couple of weeks, I have done LITTLE work on my coaching business and LITTLE writing although I need to get my revisions … Read more

Break Your Work Down

small black and red gaskets

March 8, 2019|Academia, Law, Little parts, Writing No, I didn’t write breakdown. But this is what it feels like when we get too aggressive about what we think we can accomplish in each writing session! I have been talking to women who have had challenges in making the time to write. Indeed, that’s why people … Read more