How NOT to Run a Company

Many of you may know me through Twitter. It’s been an amazing platform to connect with people of like interests. I personally have secluded myself from the complete crazies because I’m spending my time with #lawtwitter and #academictwitter. 💥        This is where I’ve been able to cheer people on as they studied for the Bar … Read more

The Joys of Sleep

Michelle wearing glasses smiling with hand on head

You all know that I LOVE me some sleep! And that has gone fairly well for me. I must tell you I put another tool in my toolkit to enable sweet dreams. I was at an online retreat with my coach, and she was saying that before she leads retreats, she often doesn’t sleep well. … Read more

Zoom Fatigue Syndrome

woman pressing finders to bridge of nose looking stressed with phone and glasses on table

Hello everyone!  Here we are in week 3 of the COVID-19 Tango here in NYC, and I suspect it’s not getting any easier for you. If you haven’t caught coronavirus, you may be suffering from Zoom-Or-Fill-In-The-Online-Platform-Of-Your-Choice Fatigue Syndrome. Is this a thing? I think it is. We’ve finally tired of our screens! Can you believe it? … Read more

Lawyering and PhDing in the Age of COVID-19

image of DNA

You’re damned right you’re getting nothing done. These are absolutely crazy times.  🥴  You’re distracted. 🥴  Your routines are seriously disrupted. 🥴  You may be completely alone. 🥴  You may be spending far too much time with the family you’ve created. And there are so many other components to this. My recommendation? I know you’re hard charging. … Read more

Food and Sleep and Food and Sleep

child sleeping on pillow

You know that I am hell-bent on getting lawyers and academics in the best shape they can be. We have the knowledge and skill set necessary to remove the bonds of oppression so people can live their lives fully. That’s why, no matter what my clients want from me, I always ask them about their self-care and … Read more