I have a confession.
Although I recommend slowing down and taking time off, I have a really hard time doing it.
I guess you teach what you need to learn.
However, the last couple of weeks, I have done LITTLE work on my coaching business and LITTLE writing although I need to get my revisions to the journal that accepted my article.
Why is that?
You may have heard that I moved.
And I forgot how completely exhausting it is. Throw in Daylight Savings for good measure, and I’m completely whipped.
I have complained to others that I haven’t written. They reply “of course not, you just moved!” You need to take the time off. Same with my coaching business.
So, for those of you who practice law, you may be worn out now that you are almost finished with the first quarter of the year. You’ll know because your focus will be off and you will be less interested in your work . . . unless you want out altogether, and then you should contact me.
And many of you who are in academia may soon have Spring Break. Unless you’re in the CUNY system . . . we have to wait until mid-April. Milk that break for all it’s worth because you’re not getting another minute until the end of the school year.
Sometimes we need to take the time off to reinvigorate our mental health and sometimes our physical health. We just get tired and we need to stop.
It’s not a personal flaw. It’s just the way it is.
As for me, I have given in. However, after this weekend, I do need to set boundaries around moving in (now that I have my new desk . . . SQUEEEEEE) so I know when I can deal with putting our home together.

And I know when I can do everything else that needs to get done.
What boundaries do you need to set? Do you even know if you need a break? Send me a note and let’s talk about it.