Does LinkedIn Make Your Eyes Glaze Over?

No, I’m not looking for a job.

But I remember when there was a time where I easily used LinkedIn.

  • I would post consistently.
  • I would write articles . . . some of them even got some views!
  • I have posted work that I published at other publications, including my dissertation.

And then I stopped.

I have this business, as you know, as a coach who supports women in law and academia to create sanity in the midst of insane industries. I LOVE the work I do.

Most of the people I work with don’t spend time on LinkedIn unless they are looking for a job. And I generally want people who are clear about where they are working.

That hasn’t changed, but I realized that lawyers seek new positions when they are really frustrated where they’re currently working. That frustration can be for a number of reasons: unsupportive colleagues, too many hours in a day, unable to find their footing between work and their personal life, no sex, and so many other reasons.

So, I decided to go back onto LinkedIn to talk to lawyers who think they need a new job.


Because it’s critical to get really clear about what you don’t like about your job. Will what you don’t like actually be fixed by a new job?

Which is what brings me back onto LinkedIn.

  • I forgot whether people who are not connected to you can actually see your posts (I think they can . . . but feel free to let me know for sure!).
  • I couldn’t remember the name of what felt like a blog post on LinkedIn (it’s an article).
  • I feel like my posts just are inappropriate for the platform.

In this life, we all have to start from the beginning. But I realize that I’m actually not a LinkedIn newbie. And yes, the algorithm has likely changed over the last period, so I’ll have to see what flies and what doesn’t.

You may also feel really frustrated with getting on this platform. I want to hear what is challenging for you.

And while you’re here . . . sign up for my newsletter! That’s fairly easy!